725 River Rd Suite #102, Edgewater, NJ 07020 

       (201) 943-7768    info@drelee.com     

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Edgewater Rehab & Wellness
725 River Rd, Suite #102
Edgewater, NJ 07020
(201) 943-7768

Copyright Edgewater Rehab & Wellness.  All Rights Reserved

Eugene S. Lee, DC, LAc

National University of Health Sciences

-Doctorate in Chiropractic

Midwest College of Oriental Medicine

-Licensed Acupuncturist

Golden Key National Honor Society


I would like to thank you for taking time to visit our website.

To let you know a little about myself, I’ve lived in the north NJ area for most of my growing years. After researching for a career in chiropractic, I found myself in Chicago attending the National University of Health Sciences. I agreed with National’s philosophy of integrating different effective natural therapies to treat the root cause of ailments. I also agreed with National’s scientific and progressive approach to natural health care. Add the fact that my grandparents lived in the Chicago area, my decision was clear. Invest in a really thick coat and head to the “windy city”.

My studies at National exposed me to various therapies outside of traditional chiropractic. One I found of particular interest was acupuncture.  As I did more research on acupuncture, I realized the potential it had to help my future patients. With acupuncture’s extremely low risk profile and the potential benefits it has for so many patients, I wondered why acupuncture wasn’t as integrated into medicine as it is in the east. I decided to enroll in Chicago’s Midwest College of Oriental Medicine to begin my second journey into the health profession.

So how did I end up back in NJ and why did I decide to open my practice in Edgewater? I must say there is a lot I do miss about the midwest. Still, there was something about NJ that just felt like "home". Though Edgewater has definitely changed since my younger days, Edgewater has captured much of what I love about the NJ/NYC area. It’s progressive and diverse while maintaining a sense of community. My decision to open my office in Edgewater was the easiest along my professional journey.

I hope to serve the Edgewater community with integrity and compassion. I plan to fully integrate the knowledge I’ve obtained over the years in order to be your guide towards better health. Feel free to call me at my office directly at 201-943-7768 or by email at info@drelee.com with any questions you may have.